presentation and distribution

Reflection: I think my strengths were the realness of the video. I think my weaknesses were maybe still in editing in that I didn’t show the product that I necessarily wanted to show even though I feel like it had the same effect because I was able to explain what I felt later in the presentation. I enjoyed being a video author because I could actually show the physical things of what I was trying to portray. This is different from being a textual author because in text you create a picture that is subjective for others.

Audience Response: I only got positive feedback from my classmates. I liked what they had to say and I agreed with most of it. I was surprised with the reaction because I had messed up in the video. I didn’t know if people were going to be okay with my type of humor but it seemed like they were fine with it. I enjoyed playing the video and I appreciated all the comments I received.


I feel that people outside of the classroom would think that certain things would be too random. Everyone in the class said they liked that it was random but they understood that that was because I was talking about life in my  this I believe essay. I’ll keep it on youtube and see if anyone bored stumbles across it but other than that I’m not trying to show this video to others.


1. logging-shots

I just have ridiculous scenes of me and my friends living life. A lot of my material is inappropriate so I have to screen for things that look like they’re at least kind of related to my theme. I think that I want to focus on just the carpe diem part of my speech and I have material of me just living life and material of scenery where I can insert my opinions about life.

2. The first shot is me at the beach talking about how I feel that life should be appreciated at every moment. Then I go into the O’hare scene and the Seattle public library scene where subtitles come up defining carpe diem. Then I go into two action scenes with my friend Dre at the beach and In and Out where we are just enjoying life. Then there is a clip with me walking in Seattle into the setting sun where I set up the next scene which is a conversation with Dre again about how he didn’t capitalize on an opportunity. Then there’s a clip with my friend choosing pies and then a closing clip of this girl I’m close to and the snow in Illinois.
3. Re-shoots

I don’t have anything that I need to reshoot, if anything I had too much material.

4.  I chose the material that I already organized into my video because there’s a serious but positive aspect and there’s a super fun aspect. For the fun part I just realized that I wanted to put clips that I felt like I was really living life.

5.  Improvisation

As far as improvisation I feel like I don’t have much to improvise. I pretty much have everything drafted out at this point. It’s really just the editing aspects that I feel that need to be focused on.

6.  I mapped out my sequences in the question number two. I feel though that I need to make sure that my sound clips transition well because last video they did not do that for me at all. Last video my volume controls were all out of whack and I needed to pay more attention to little detail. I like that I just used a simple camera to take my videos because it gives a kind of real life effect. It’s really just what me and my friends tried to do.

in class writing editing your material

I honestly don’t even have that much material yet. My plan for the video actually consists of me going to California for the break. Therefore most of my clips will be shot on my trip. However with my previous knowledge of editing video I would say that you have to be careful. It feels good being able edit something into a message that you’ve previously decided to share. However, the part that one needs to be careful about it being honest. What’s the point in showing work if everyone is lying. When you edit you have to make sure that you stay true to your material and true to what you originally intended to say. Shooting is capturing what you need to capture and then editing is refining and tuning it into your message. Shooting always comes first and so it’s important because you can’t refine something that isn’t there.


Interview questions: I don’t have any interview questions really. The video is going to be purely living although there might be a little bit of conversation but in the end it’s mainly going to be about action and not interview.

Shot list: I plan on shooting me before I leave, me getting on the plane, me arriving, me hanging out with my friends, and then documenting all the crazy things that I’m sure will happen all by themselves. I’m actually going to spend my vacation with my best friend who is living in santa barbara and my ex girlfriend lives there too and so I’m sure I’ll see here and instant drama will occur.

Style+ elements: I really haven’t used music to its full potential on my previous videos. This being the last video, I really want to find one good song that has a similar message to the one that my video has. The style is going to be upbeat I would think. Hopefully it will bring smiles to people’s faces. It’s definitely not a serious video in the aspect that you should be careful your whole life even though that falls into my motto. I think what’s more important is that i give the other part of my message across in that life is worth living and that you should appreciate it in every moment.

storyboard: The story board is a bit fuzzy at this point. This is because I’m shooting my footage during the break. However of the footage I’ve been shooting here. I try my best to show that I’m living life here and appreciating it the same amount  that I would have if I was in California. Again the transitions haven’t been all put in because I only have the first bit of my work. The song I’m thinking about is let me think about it by fedde le grande.

in the field: well so far in the field. I haven’t encountered much difficulty. I think that my life is pretty interesting and it’s pretty fun so I just video taped what I did normally around school and when I had free time and such.

Reflection: I can’t really do this yet because the video is no where near done. Therefore, I can’t even begin to reflect on my work. Of my work so far, I would have to say that this is the most fun in a video that I’ve ever done so far. I think that because I chose a topic I truly believe in, it makes working on the video much more pleasing.

Improvisation: I’m actually worried. I don’t want the actual content that I bring back to not match the integrity of what I expected it to be. I want it to be fun and interesting and enjoyable to watch. I don’t want people in class to think oh man here goes another 5 minutes of my life. Because I don’t know how all of my clips will turn out I’m sure that I will have to improvise.

pre production for module three

Personal: This is something that I actually live by. I always find myself slipping when I think that I won’t pay for the consequences in the end. I sit at home and watch tv and sometimes cut class and think that it won’t have a negative effect on my life because no one is there to take my attendance or scold me like they were in high school. I think that after making this video I hope that people will not just try to do good in all that they can but I also hope that people will enjoy life by itself.


Hypothesis: With the experiences I’ve lived and the opportunities that I’ve let slip, I realize that every moment of my life is important and should be lived like someone is watching me .

Research: This is a little difficult for me to do. Because the subject of my video is me. I don’t think that as far as research goes I will have the same tasks set before me as the other students in the class will. This can be easier for me in some aspects however because I don’t have to go looking for information. All the information is in my head. I just have to pull out a way to show that every moment of life is worth living.

Anxieties: I don’t want people to think that I fabricated an event or went somewhere or said something because of this video. When I am actually taping my life I plan on recording it ever time that I go out and kind of just see what happens. Although it is true that my friends already made events that we will  be attending over the break I don’t want people to think that anything is staged.

Background: This is going to be hard!!!!!!!! Just because I mean a background to my life? That would take too long. I do have this idea because I am in a complicated relationship right now and when I go home I don’t know what will happen.

Conflict: Me vs myself. But more so it’s everyone vs themselves. You have to challenge yourself to never be lazy in your thoughts and be as productive as possible whenever you can.

Outlines of my goals for module three

The most important thing for me to accomplish with my  module three is to make sure that the technical aspects of my video enhance the content of my video. I don’t think that in the past I’ve ever had trouble finding interesting content. What I do think that I have struggled with in the past is that I did not perform very well when it came to presenting the technical aspects of my videos. I love my idea for this project and I know the content will  be fun to watch. I just hope that I can step up my game in the technical aspects and make a good video.


All of my videos are on my video page on youtube. The link is on my video page. I put the recording of my speech on the video page


I want to do a video when I’m on vacation in thanksgiving just showing me living in the moment. i want to include friends, family, past lovers, anything to show that I’m actually living life. I’m thinking about doing it just from my perspective. The first person view if you will. I don’t know if I want to show my face in the video because I don’t always want to set up a tripod when I’m trying to film stuff that’s just supposed to happen naturally. Then it would seem that I almost am planning the events that happen. I think that this will work well with my project because I will be able to show how I live my life and I’ll be having a lot of fun doing it as well. I realize that there are risks when it comes to doing this project because I have to rely on things to happen during my vacation, but I just think its perfect for rme. My life in general is very crazy. I just don’t want people to think that I’m super narcissistic or egotistical. That’s really not what I’m trying to say. What I’m trying to say is that every moment is important in life and hopefully through my video I will be able to show my viewrs that exactly.

This I believe

                 I honestly believe that my life is like a movie. I couldn’t tell you how the movie ends or if the movie is good, because it’s obviously somewhere in the beginning/middle. I’m not trying to say that I’m some superstar or that I’m someone who has a life that’s interesting enough to sell to millions worldwide. What I am saying though is that with the experiences I’ve gone through and what I think is to come I’ve learned that I should live my life like someone is watching me.


                I do admit that I have problems with humility, but that’s not the reason I chose this topic. I’m not just trying to open a window of my life to the world because I want them to know me. I actually would never want to do that, because I like sleeping naked and so I believe in my privacy. The reason I chose this topic is because I believe that I’ll live a better life by thinking that there is an audience that is taking in my every move. I take more time to just live life and enjoy every day. I’m not looking to the holidays for relief and relaxation. I am a firm believer in partying whenever there’s a party. I love meeting up with people around the world, even if it’s for a cup of coffee. It’s a really cool concept to me that when I’m in Tokyo I can meet up with someone who I haven’t seen in years for dinner and then fly home to Shanghai or Taiwan the next day to make someone’s birthday party. Regardless of what I’m doing at the moment or where I am in the world I always try my best to live in the moment.


                Just like any movie my life has drama. I lost my cell phone over the summer and found it to be simply wonderful. No one was calling me telling about what he said she said, and I was drama free. Now since the return of this evil contraption I’m remembering why I postponed getting a new phone for so long. All the drama makes my life interesting however, and I’m not saying that I enjoy it but I definitely appreciate that my life isn’t in black and white. People tell me about their pregnancies, why they eloped, and about their jail time. But the drama of my life doesn’t just pertain to others, it affects me as well. In high school, I had a hater club. Literally, it was an “I hate Jonny Sung club.” It was absolutely entertaining. It was four girls with a mission similar to John Tucker must die except that none of these girls actually secretly wanted to sleep with me; they genuinely wanted to inflict pain upon me.


              I’ve learned that every decision I make has a consequence. That’s why I have to live in the moment and realize that what I do today affects what happens tomorrow. That’s why I believe my life is like a movie, because everything that happens before the climax in a movie is important and related to the ultimate resolutions of the main character.  I don’t know when I’ll be content with my life and when the names of the characters in my life will start scrolling up ever so slowly, but I do know that I’m going to live my life appreciating every moment in anticipation for that perfect movie ending.  

Dance Responses

I went to the goodyear performance, the college of education performance, and the elevator performance. Right off the top I think that the elevator performance was my favorite. I thought it made the most sense, and I enjoyed it because the dancers seemed like they were having a really good time. I almost wanted to dance with them. Seriously. I always like to dance in elevators. The goodyear performance was confusing. I understood somethings about the performance, but some things just totally baffled me. I thought that the performer did a really good job though, because it was really cold that day, but he kept his integrity and pulled off a really good performance. The college of education performance was surreal. There were elfs and lovers and a snake, it was very fairytale like. My favorite of the characters were the two lovers. I liked their costumes and their dance really corresponded to their name.