
Interview: What is your name? Where are you from? Why are you here in America? When did you first arrive in America? What was your opinion of America before you came here? What is your opinion of America now that you’ve lived here for almost two years? What is your social life like? How do you spend most of your time here? Do you regret coming to an American University? Is it strange to be a part of and yet not be a part of this country?

Shots: As far as action shots I’m stumped. I think maybe where he hangs out and stuff.

Style: I’m honestly going to wing it. The style I’m going to use is honestly going to be my style. I’m going to be friendly and interactive and figure it out from there.

Storyboard: Start with the interview, then get some action shots. Eating, playing, studying, whatever.

Composition and form: I made the choices I made because I thought it flowed the best. I did it cause it was my style and what I had envisioned for the project

In the field: He’s really friendly and cooperative which is nice. He’s also genuinely a nice guy so he really wants to help me so he’s down for whatever.

Reflection: I’m honestly not done with the project yet so I don’t see how I can reflect 100 percent on all I’ve done. I still have to edit.

Improv: I did a lot of this just because I didn’t plan everything ahead.

Pre Production

Personal: My roommate is from South Korea and he often tells me that it’s hard to be here especially in Illinois because we’re both from California. I wanted to get into the mind of a person who only knows UIUC to be America.

Working Statement: I hope to see the true opinion and perspective of this person and really find out what he thinks about America.

Research: His name is Yoon Seob and his english name is Ryan. He is a sophomore here and my roommate introduced me to him. He is also from South Korea.

Anxieties: I’m afriad he’ll be too shy to tell the truth or embarassed.

Topic: What he thinks about school, America, and anything else he wants to tell me.

Background: I’ll make him introduce himself

Characters: Just him

Conflict: Being in America

Structure: Still not sure how to do this. He might be too shy to show me around and stuff. It’s kind of weird to try and shandow him because we’re not friends yet.