Dance Responses

I went to the goodyear performance, the college of education performance, and the elevator performance. Right off the top I think that the elevator performance was my favorite. I thought it made the most sense, and I enjoyed it because the dancers seemed like they were having a really good time. I almost wanted to dance with them. Seriously. I always like to dance in elevators. The goodyear performance was confusing. I understood somethings about the performance, but some things just totally baffled me. I thought that the performer did a really good job though, because it was really cold that day, but he kept his integrity and pulled off a really good performance. The college of education performance was surreal. There were elfs and lovers and a snake, it was very fairytale like. My favorite of the characters were the two lovers. I liked their costumes and their dance really corresponded to their name.

Presentation and Distribution

1. I think one of my strengths was my content. It was intriguing and the audience seemed to be interested with the content. I think my weakness was my sound control and the clip that was too dark. I think that I should have spent more time editing the video. Now I know how important it is to really work on the video every day prior to the presentation. I should always be changing it and never be satisfied with it too early. I learned that you don’t really need music every chance you can put it in. I think that that was one of my weaknesses.  I think an advantage of being the author is that I can make whatever I want to make. I don’t have to listen to anyone else’s opinion because it’s my work ultimately. I think a peril is being deceiving. I think that sometimes author’s twist their clips in a way  to prove a point. Video is easier than text because there’s already a picture for the story for the audience. Text looks different to everyone because they create their own visual picture of the story and not the actual picture you’re talking about.

2. I think I got my message across for sure. A lot of the comments were very positive and I appreciated them. I also appreciated the critisism because I should have inserted a lighter clip into that scene where Yoonseob was playing poker. I also needed to edit my sound, I realized that after how different the volume levels were during my presentation. I liked all the comments I got, I found them helpful. It was interesting that people said that they really liked the content, because I didn’t think I was going to get many people who related to the video.

3. No, I think that Yoonseob might be too shy.