
I want to do a video when I’m on vacation in thanksgiving just showing me living in the moment. i want to include friends, family, past lovers, anything to show that I’m actually living life. I’m thinking about doing it just from my perspective. The first person view if you will. I don’t know if I want to show my face in the video because I don’t always want to set up a tripod when I’m trying to film stuff that’s just supposed to happen naturally. Then it would seem that I almost am planning the events that happen. I think that this will work well with my project because I will be able to show how I live my life and I’ll be having a lot of fun doing it as well. I realize that there are risks when it comes to doing this project because I have to rely on things to happen during my vacation, but I just think its perfect for rme. My life in general is very crazy. I just don’t want people to think that I’m super narcissistic or egotistical. That’s really not what I’m trying to say. What I’m trying to say is that every moment is important in life and hopefully through my video I will be able to show my viewrs that exactly.

This I believe

                 I honestly believe that my life is like a movie. I couldn’t tell you how the movie ends or if the movie is good, because it’s obviously somewhere in the beginning/middle. I’m not trying to say that I’m some superstar or that I’m someone who has a life that’s interesting enough to sell to millions worldwide. What I am saying though is that with the experiences I’ve gone through and what I think is to come I’ve learned that I should live my life like someone is watching me.


                I do admit that I have problems with humility, but that’s not the reason I chose this topic. I’m not just trying to open a window of my life to the world because I want them to know me. I actually would never want to do that, because I like sleeping naked and so I believe in my privacy. The reason I chose this topic is because I believe that I’ll live a better life by thinking that there is an audience that is taking in my every move. I take more time to just live life and enjoy every day. I’m not looking to the holidays for relief and relaxation. I am a firm believer in partying whenever there’s a party. I love meeting up with people around the world, even if it’s for a cup of coffee. It’s a really cool concept to me that when I’m in Tokyo I can meet up with someone who I haven’t seen in years for dinner and then fly home to Shanghai or Taiwan the next day to make someone’s birthday party. Regardless of what I’m doing at the moment or where I am in the world I always try my best to live in the moment.


                Just like any movie my life has drama. I lost my cell phone over the summer and found it to be simply wonderful. No one was calling me telling about what he said she said, and I was drama free. Now since the return of this evil contraption I’m remembering why I postponed getting a new phone for so long. All the drama makes my life interesting however, and I’m not saying that I enjoy it but I definitely appreciate that my life isn’t in black and white. People tell me about their pregnancies, why they eloped, and about their jail time. But the drama of my life doesn’t just pertain to others, it affects me as well. In high school, I had a hater club. Literally, it was an “I hate Jonny Sung club.” It was absolutely entertaining. It was four girls with a mission similar to John Tucker must die except that none of these girls actually secretly wanted to sleep with me; they genuinely wanted to inflict pain upon me.


              I’ve learned that every decision I make has a consequence. That’s why I have to live in the moment and realize that what I do today affects what happens tomorrow. That’s why I believe my life is like a movie, because everything that happens before the climax in a movie is important and related to the ultimate resolutions of the main character.  I don’t know when I’ll be content with my life and when the names of the characters in my life will start scrolling up ever so slowly, but I do know that I’m going to live my life appreciating every moment in anticipation for that perfect movie ending.