pre production for module three

Personal: This is something that I actually live by. I always find myself slipping when I think that I won’t pay for the consequences in the end. I sit at home and watch tv and sometimes cut class and think that it won’t have a negative effect on my life because no one is there to take my attendance or scold me like they were in high school. I think that after making this video I hope that people will not just try to do good in all that they can but I also hope that people will enjoy life by itself.


Hypothesis: With the experiences I’ve lived and the opportunities that I’ve let slip, I realize that every moment of my life is important and should be lived like someone is watching me .

Research: This is a little difficult for me to do. Because the subject of my video is me. I don’t think that as far as research goes I will have the same tasks set before me as the other students in the class will. This can be easier for me in some aspects however because I don’t have to go looking for information. All the information is in my head. I just have to pull out a way to show that every moment of life is worth living.

Anxieties: I don’t want people to think that I fabricated an event or went somewhere or said something because of this video. When I am actually taping my life I plan on recording it ever time that I go out and kind of just see what happens. Although it is true that my friends already made events that we will  be attending over the break I don’t want people to think that anything is staged.

Background: This is going to be hard!!!!!!!! Just because I mean a background to my life? That would take too long. I do have this idea because I am in a complicated relationship right now and when I go home I don’t know what will happen.

Conflict: Me vs myself. But more so it’s everyone vs themselves. You have to challenge yourself to never be lazy in your thoughts and be as productive as possible whenever you can.