in class writing editing your material

I honestly don’t even have that much material yet. My plan for the video actually consists of me going to California for the break. Therefore most of my clips will be shot on my trip. However with my previous knowledge of editing video I would say that you have to be careful. It feels good being able edit something into a message that you’ve previously decided to share. However, the part that one needs to be careful about it being honest. What’s the point in showing work if everyone is lying. When you edit you have to make sure that you stay true to your material and true to what you originally intended to say. Shooting is capturing what you need to capture and then editing is refining and tuning it into your message. Shooting always comes first and so it’s important because you can’t refine something that isn’t there.


Interview questions: I don’t have any interview questions really. The video is going to be purely living although there might be a little bit of conversation but in the end it’s mainly going to be about action and not interview.

Shot list: I plan on shooting me before I leave, me getting on the plane, me arriving, me hanging out with my friends, and then documenting all the crazy things that I’m sure will happen all by themselves. I’m actually going to spend my vacation with my best friend who is living in santa barbara and my ex girlfriend lives there too and so I’m sure I’ll see here and instant drama will occur.

Style+ elements: I really haven’t used music to its full potential on my previous videos. This being the last video, I really want to find one good song that has a similar message to the one that my video has. The style is going to be upbeat I would think. Hopefully it will bring smiles to people’s faces. It’s definitely not a serious video in the aspect that you should be careful your whole life even though that falls into my motto. I think what’s more important is that i give the other part of my message across in that life is worth living and that you should appreciate it in every moment.

storyboard: The story board is a bit fuzzy at this point. This is because I’m shooting my footage during the break. However of the footage I’ve been shooting here. I try my best to show that I’m living life here and appreciating it the same amount  that I would have if I was in California. Again the transitions haven’t been all put in because I only have the first bit of my work. The song I’m thinking about is let me think about it by fedde le grande.

in the field: well so far in the field. I haven’t encountered much difficulty. I think that my life is pretty interesting and it’s pretty fun so I just video taped what I did normally around school and when I had free time and such.

Reflection: I can’t really do this yet because the video is no where near done. Therefore, I can’t even begin to reflect on my work. Of my work so far, I would have to say that this is the most fun in a video that I’ve ever done so far. I think that because I chose a topic I truly believe in, it makes working on the video much more pleasing.

Improvisation: I’m actually worried. I don’t want the actual content that I bring back to not match the integrity of what I expected it to be. I want it to be fun and interesting and enjoyable to watch. I don’t want people in class to think oh man here goes another 5 minutes of my life. Because I don’t know how all of my clips will turn out I’m sure that I will have to improvise.