About me

Hey everyone. My name is Jonathan Sung but the university has me down as Changyui Sung which is weird because I’ve never gone by that except when relatives on my Chinese side address me, which brings me to my heritage. I’m Chinese and Taiwanese on my dad’s side and korean on my mom’s side but my mom was raised in Japan and so I speak Japanese and Mandarin. I jumped place to place a lot because of my dad’s job and so I lived in three different countries and went to ten different schools but the bay area is my home. I like cars and all sorts of music except for techno. I have two older sisters who are 23 and 21 and I really like that fact.  I’m religious being a Christian but my lifestyle doesn’t always reflect that.

1 Comment

  1. GReat about me, telling everything from where you are from to heritage. Very cool that you have lived in three different countries, hope to do something like that one day myself.

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